Thursday, 27 January 2011

Fox on the run

At the risk of turning into Mr Me Too, I've also been the recipient of a Doodle poll, so the pressure of the 23 Things project has pushed me into doing what I should have done before - use Doodle. So I mailed another participant to set up an entirely fictitious meeting. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship. Slight irritation that in order to use Doodle I'm pulled yet further into the embrace of Google. A bit like having to have a Yahoo account to use Delicious...

I've also previously been called into meetings by others using Outlook to schedule time based on individual calendars, although this of course does rather rely on people keeping theirs up to date. Cough.

So to Firefox. I've been asking myself why I've stayed loyal to IE. Inertia? Annoyance that Answer no.2 from IT people (after No.1 Have you tried switching it off and on again?) has become "Have you tried it with Firefox?" Minor irritations with Firefox like needing an extra click to change a small part of the page URL? 

Just recently a couple of things in IE are starting to irritate me: locally, I can't seem to set my preferred homepage (the option is greyed out) so I'm stuck with the University homepage (is this Big Brother?). Firefox is allowing me to use whatever I want. Then yesterday IE decided (apparently unilaterally) to change font and font size on some websites, especially Google. Not that I use that much  :) Is this nature's way of telling me to migrate? Since I have tried switching it off and on again, I clearly need to move to Step 2, so I'm giving Firefox a go. I just migrated my favourites to the Fox (incidentally this made me notice how many of them are very far from favourites, so a weeding exercise is well overdue here).

Is that Michael McIntyre on guitar???

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