Tuesday, 15 March 2011

It's a wrap

The end already? Feels like I was just getting started...

If asked, I wouldn't have said I was particularly leading a Web2.0 life, but one effect of 23 Things has been to make me realise that maybe it has crept up and installed itself in my head without my even noticing. So, a lot of items on the menu were familiar to me, although in some cases I'm sure I could be using the tools more efficiently (Twitter, I mean you).

Of the unfamiliar stuff, I can see the theoretical merit in some applications, but they fell at the first hurdle by being difficult to load / inefficient to operate, or by not being significantly better than other tools I was already using (Diigo, Zotero).

The real potential for me lies in Flickr (for grabbing images rather than posting my holiday snaps), and Google Docs if I'm co-authoring something. I'm ambivalent about Doodle - it works well, but I keep having to cross-reference my Outlook calendar to complete a poll. Maybe I'm not doing it right.

Does Web2.0 have a future in Libraries? As I hinted at the top, it's already happening, and we ignore it at our peril. I don't believe it's going to suddenly solve our communication / liaison problems at a stroke, but it's another channel that somebody might be tuned into.

Will I keep up this blog? Not sure I have much worth saying. I also worry that I'm spouting either into a void (Hello - Is anybody out there??) or I'm talking to like-minded people (The Echo-chamber effect - add your own sound effects at this point).

Looking forward to the Wrap Party...

Vegan Sandwich by moriza, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  moriza 

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